All this on a 4x8?
It's definately a railfan's layout as the operating potential seems pretty limited. I thought perhaps the lowered track went to some kind of staging, but alas, it is only an inner loop. Check out some of the other videos of the same layout to see the neat river crossing and bridge scene on the other side where the outer loop zigs in over the inner loop then back again.

Plenty of visual interest and a great layout for the scenery builder. I kicked around 4x8 plans for a while when I was living in SoCal, and even began setting up the layout room (a glassed-in porch) to accomodate such a layout. But even then the only plan I settled on included staging tracks and an option for expansion. One side was purely scenic and the other provided some switching opportunities but the scope was really limited as far as how many different trains could be operated.

Had I been exposed to the sort of high-quality N scale layouts I've been able to see and operate on up here, well, I may have divested more of my HO equipment, switched to N, and really made the most of the space! But that was then, this is now, and life goes on.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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