I too have used Lynn's method in the past, and it works well. This time however, I built my supports with strips of fiberglass screen and stuffed it full of crinkled newspapers. I then used the Scott Shop Towels that are blue and come in a roll. they are more cloth than paper and are a little harder to keep wet.
I soaked them in Dura-Bond 45 (from Home Depot 10.25 for 25 pounds) and used a 2 inch brush to spread on the towels then placed the towels on the surface.
I used a 1 to one mix of water to Dura-Bond.
This sets very slow, so put the first coat on and just leave it alone for a day. The next day I mixed more Dura-Bond and applied a heavy coat with a brush. This sets a little quicker so I could put another coat on after about 8 hours. I didn't have the hardness I wanted until the 4th coat was applied. I'm thinking that using the newspaper strips for the second coat over the towels would add some strength.
The Dura-Bond 45 sets in 45 minutes and they make 20 minute and 90 minute too. I use the 20 for making castings and it works good.
Home Depot also sells molding plaster in larger bags which is plaster-of-paris at reasonable prices.

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