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My Columbus & Hocking Valley is something I wanted to do for years but,never got around to it till around 2003.

Why C&HV?

My Great Grandfather was a engineer on the C&HV and when I was a kid my dad had a O Scale (2 rail) HV 4-6-0 and I got hook on the HV.In 2003 I laid plans for a modern short line and decided on C&HV..

In retrospect..I do regret two things.. First those "Red Bird" Geeps-what was I thinking? and second the C&HV turned out to be bigger then I planed and now its time to downsize the C&HV back to my original plan of 2-3 Geeps with Railbox,Rail Gon and other lease cars for "home" cars..Maybe a new paint scheme?

Summerset Ry

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