I hate my layout
Rip 'er up and start again. You'll never finish a layout that's a constant source of frustration - ask me how I know! Icon_lol

To get your track up, spray it with "wet" water (water with a few drops of dish soap in it) or Windex. Let it soak for a few minutes to soften the glue, then pull it up. Scrub with a stiff brush to get rid of the attached ballast, and you're ready to go again.

When you're ready to try again, try using a layout planning program like XtrkCad or RightTrack (both free) to test your layout design. XtrkCad even lets you run trains so you can check clearances and test operational aspects of your plan.

N scale, being smaller and lighter, is more sensitive to rough track than HO. You really want to make sure you have a smooth roadbed and tight, smooth rail joints. No big gaps or kinks. If you can't get the track to go where you want, there's probably a good reason for not doing it.

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