Visors/Lights for MRR work?
I was at my eye doctor's this morning and he suggested that I should obtain a set of visors (or goggles?), with a lamp, for my close-up model train work. I now need reading glasses and my doctor said that even the best reading glasses (or the equivalent) won't be enough to help me with my modeling work.

I also need glasses for distance. FYI, I use contact lenses now, i.e. I use contacts that work both for distance as well as for reading -- that's how much "contact lens technology" has advanced in recent years! But he still recommended using these visors/lamps as well.

I've certainly seen people using these visors/lamp gadgets at model train shows, working on their models or constructing buildings, etc. My eye doctor said you could buy these at Wal-Mart but I just thought I'd ask here if there are better places for purchasing these? Also, about how much do they cost?

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