Micro Enginnering bridge instructions
I used that kit, for the base for a traveling crane, for the building way, with ship under construction, on my Ntrak module. I know I have the instruction set some where, but I have 50 years worth of instruction sets, and it will take me quite a while to sort through them, and, hopefully, find that one. As I recall, the "bridge part" was a deck girder type, and consisted of the girders, and the vertical and horizontal bracing, inside the girders. The assembly was not all that complicated, as I remember, but that was some time ago.
I had cut the bents in half, vertically, to make a perpendicular face on the working side of the crane. I have 8 "bents" in my crane support, and it is about 18"-20" long. I didn't use all the girders. (cant find those parts either)
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