HO model cars, and street scenes
For the longest time, the only vehicles available were the most current Herpa and Wiking European high end models, plus maybe the ubiquitous VW Beetle and maybe a Morris Mini, if you were lucky. Then Jordan Highway Miniatures appeared on the scene and there were vehicles from the first and early parts of the second decades of the 20th Century. Those modeling the '40's - '50' were still out of luck.

Now there are vehicles from the '40's and '50's on the market, and the call is for '60's and '70's "everyman" vehicles (not everyone had a Corvette or a GTO "Judge" or a Barracuda!)

I have noticed that there is a vendor who is producing solid cast urethane vehicles from the '30's, '40's, '50's and '60's as well as some more current years and marques. The vendor is "The Rail Connection" their selection of vehicles can be viewed HERE.

[One of my "back-of-the-workbench" projects is “opening up” one of these solid, cast urethane models with a Dremel tool, so I can then fit it with clear windows and maybe even a driver. It is very dirty and rather tedious work ... I can only handle it occasionally (I hate having to clean the kitchen floor up afterward … tungsten cutting bits send tiny urethane bits everywhere!) But I have been documenting the process with Fo-Toes and when the time comes, I will post them.]

I’m pretty sure there are a few others who produce vehicles for the '60's -'70's, but not being my era, I don't remember off the top of my forgetful head who they are! I will cruise back though my “IE Favorites” listing and see if I can come up with any more sources of these vehicles (that will be a "late night" job ... daylight is required for some of my other on-going projects.)

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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