My N-scale modules
You work has an elegant complexity that I really admire. The diamonds, switch work, road building all really works together so well. There's a lot there to admire. Please, consider writing a clinic or tutorial on how you're building your road system. I, for one, would really enjoy seeing/reading your step-by-step process.

Oh...and you mentioned looking closely to see the "mistakes"? Let me tell you, I'll take those "mistakes" on my layout any day...that's some great work getting the styrene cut precisely and fitted inside the rails. Being a fellow Nscaler, I appreciate how tough that is! Looks like you're using bass wood or balsa wood to help lay the streets then filling it in, with thin pine strips to help form up the road edges? Is that correct?

Really nice work! Cheers

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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