Woohoo! Got my main completed around the room!
Golden dab of caulk? Icon_lol Icon_lol

Hot water in those radiators, this is an older house (1910-1920 era by my best guess) made into two apartments, I have the second and third floors. Got those radiators in all the rooms - the bathroom one is rather interesting as it hangs on the wall but is the same type as the floor standing ones.

Only have 2 steamers, both T-1's. I didn't put together a special train, just ran what I already had out, there's only 2 Reading cars in that train, the flat car and the caboose. I had 2 trains on the layout, with a bunch more Reading cars - once I hooked up the two switch motors down at the other end I could do some classification sort of Inglenook-style, so when my younger son was last over I had him take the two trains and make one with only Reading cars and all the foreign road cars in another - after a few pointers he picked up on the moves required and swapped them all around without having to resport to the 0-5-0. Then I got back to work on the layout so took half the stuff off to make room to work.

Modeling the Reading Railroad of the 1950's in HO

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