In the South
The last days have been used to do the two small parking lots. The concrete K-rail barrier (left) and the white wall (right) separate the parking lots from the first track that is also the programming track and needs some free space to put and get engines on and off the layout. A delicate fence would be damaged soon when the 0-5-0 is handling the engines. The barrier and the wall will sustain that stress better. The space between parking lots and track has been expanded by about 1/2". Some weathering will be applied to the parking lots and the little white wall.
The white and yellow street marking are made with a lacquer pen of the brand Edding (#751 and #780). It was very easy to do. Give it a try if you can buy or online order them.

The P1K GP15 with the worst drive became a dummy and makes a nice silent ensemble with the Genset. I did see a couple of photos and videos of that combination used by UP doing switching in the LA basin. Looks like it is a frequent used combination.

I did still not make up my mind how to proceed with the white walls of the buildings. All the roofs got a good deal of medium gray weathering over the light gray base. That did tone down the entire south yard due to the large roof spaces. That does also take some of the brightness of the walls. I feel there is even less urgent need to tone the walls down. However, I am still thinking about it...

[Image: Img_0535.jpg?t=1295125672]

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