Well that'll teach me to test first...
So sorry to read about your mishap, Randy! That Sharpie ink is a bugger!

We used to use artist's fixative (spray on stuff to keep chalks and pastels from smearing,) until we started using Pilot Fineliners intead of black ball point ink for our "heavy-up lines" on renderings ... you wanna see angry? How 'bout after spending 7 1/2 hrs bustin' hump to get a color marker rendering drawn, colored with markers, pastels and colored pencils, and all "bird sh*tted up" (*) with white gouache, copied on the mega-buck color copier on showcard stock, to then get packed up to fly off the next morning at O'dark-thirty with the Department VP (my boss) East Japip to some client presentation! Wallbang Wallbang Do you know what a Charrette is ... it's when you stay up all night getting work done to meet a deadline that is cast in stone and can't be missed, even if you die trying to get it done ... get it done first, then die!! Wallbang Wallbang Wallbang I had to meet the boss at the airport at 05:15 with the completed package, go home shower and then go back to work. (Ah, the easy life of us salaried guys!)

My suggestion (sight unseen) is to mask off what must remain "as is" and spray the offending area with an appropriate color paint. When dry, lay down the labelling and "shoot" thinned Modge Podge on top to protect.

That's my best guess at a solution.

Good luck!

["Bird sh*t" is what we use to call those little "sparkles" of white on a marker rendering that really made it "sing" with "virtual reality"]

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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