Big Blue NASCAR 2010 Racin'!!!!
Puddlejumper Wrote:I'm out. If anyone in a non-Hendricks car wins this year, maybe I'll reconsider for 2012. Just tired of watching Jimmy Johnson... there are other drivers on the track but the camera is always on the leader, the leader is always JJ, hey, here's an idea, take apart his car before every race and measure every component, because SOMETHING is not right.

I'm not just being a sore loser or a poor sport either. I don't think my driver should win every race, I just think JJ shouldn't win so many of them. He is
NOT that much better of a driver than the others, it HAS to be the car.

Yup - that can be debated forever. Sad Sorry to see you take a break from racing, a lot of other fans feel the same way too.

The same things can be said for Earnhardt Sr., Jeff Gordon and a slew of others. Nothing is ever found wrong with the cars either. Remember that the first car out of the race, picks a number from 1 - 43. Whichever car finishes in "that place" and the winner's cars are both stripped completely down and inspected after the race. This virtualy eliminates rule bending because you never know what place you'll finish in and if it'll be your car taken down. Points mean a lot now - too much to risk over one race.

The oddsmakers are all saying it's gonna be one of the young bucks this year, not JJ.... We'll have to see.....
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???

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