Track painting questions
I should mention that my track is Atlas code 83 flex. For the rail, I use burnt umber, raw sienna, weathered black, and various other browns and reddish browns. I typically take a piece of 1 x 4 about 5 inches long as a pallet, put a glop of each color on it, and then make various shades of brown and put them on randomly. It definitely will take two coats to cover. So, the first coat could be all one color, like a dark brown.

For the ties, I do the same thing but use weathered black, various grays, even antique white and regular white. Mix various combos on the pallet, and then randomly paint the ties. Then a black wash later.

It is actually very easy to keep the paint off the ballast when painting the rails or the ties. I use a fairly stiff angled bristle brush, about 3/16ths wide. Also, the craft paint may be thinned just a touch (just a touch!) with water to make it flow better.

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