Lansdowne Ave. Industrial Lead
Hello Everyone.

Well, it's been a while since my last post! If you're wondering what happened, I had decided to switch to HO because I thought it would be more suited to what I wanted to do, and ended up buying an Athearn GP40 at a trainshow. I made that decision on a whim a loco without orderthough, since I decided only a few days before the show to switch scales, as it would be the only chance I would have to get a loco without ordering online. I soon realized that was a bit of a mistake though, because I decided to stay with N scale when I found HO scale to be a bit big for what I wanted. Fortunately I should be able sell the loco and recover the cost though, since I didn't run it off the table this time Wink.

Anyways, today I got back to work on the layout. I made some slight changes to the trackplan, such as replacing the team track and the Korex plant with a scrap yard/team track (which one it is depends on how I feel that operating session) and added a section of street running. Other than a few other minor tweaks it's basically the same the same.

[Image: LAILFinal1.jpg]

In addition, I've found the solution to the turnout problems. Like BR60103 said, the polarity has to change with the points, so I'm going to make a switch that will do that. Currently I'm working on designing a manual switch machine using some parts I've found around the house. As soon as it's finished I'll be able to finish the trackwork and have some pictures up. I'm finished my exams for first semester in Grade 11, and I don't start semester 2 until Thursday, so I'll have plenty of time. Oh, and my power pack mysteriously started working again after leaving it for a week :mrgreen:.

Finally, I also made the decision to sell my DCC system and IR throttle, along with a few other things I bought a few years ago but never used or opened. I figure that the stuff I could buy (rolling stock, scratchbuilding supplies, etc.) with the extra funds from selling the DCC stuff would benefit the layout more than having DCC would. DC will do what I want just find

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