Southern Pacific Switching Layout
Justinmiller171 Wrote:
torikoos Wrote:Well done for finding your problem Justin, although I had mentioned it to look out for it in my above post.. Wink
But glad you've found it by yourselves, that's the best way of learning things, and you're in great company. Even Einstein already said that 'he who never makes mistakes, never tries anything new' .

Good luck with the rest of the wiring!


Sorry I didn't understand it the first time I saw it, I am still new to dcc wiring and I really didn't know what you were saying 35

Don't worry, you're in great company, and that's what these forums are for, ask questions, and get help! The internet is great for that sort of thing, there's soo much experience on here, in all sorts of fields, although it is sometimes difficult to get to grips with terminology, and how people are writing things down. Hope you've learned something, and take it one step at a time, there's no need to rush, and you'll end up with a great layout, slowly , and patiently!

Oh and keep the questions coming, when you have any, and if you learn something new, post it here too. If it's new to you, chances are, sooner or later it will be new to someone else too! There's probably just as many 'newbies' on this forum, as experts and everything in between.

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