A sad day in Oslo
Thank you for the expressions of sympathy, guys.

It seems very likely that the actual attack was the work of a single person - a white Norwegian muslimophobe (a "counterjihadist"), who had a strong hatred against the slightly left of center labor party - referring to them (in posts in various web forums that only was discovered after the attack) as "marxists" and "traitors" - for not being as harsh against Muslims in Norway as he wanted.

Right before the attack yesterday he uploaded a 12 minute video of himself with a rifle and and wearing a badge reading "Marxist hunter", along with a 1500 page diary/manuscript, where he describes step by step how he had made the bomb - it had taken him 80 days.

The second guy who got arrested apparently was one of the survivors from the attack. He seemingly had the misfortune of still being so nervous after he had gotten to a safe place that he armed himself by putting a sharp knife in his pocket.

Not so smart a move under the given circumstances - the survivors from Utøya had been collected there, the prime minister and two ministers were there, the king, the queen and the crown prince were there, and the place was teeming with police officers and security people. Someone shouted "knife", and two police officers jumped him, secured him and hauled him away to be interogated, in case he was a copycat wanna-be terrorist. Police has since announced that he has been checked out of the terrorist case.


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