We need a GERN thread
As per your request from the old Forum, I will reply to your concerns in public rather than via PM. If you feel that I am in any way abusing my position as a Moderator, please feel free to contact an Administrator and ask to have me removed.

MountainMan Wrote:by Dr. Wayne:

My, my - aren't we touchy? Icon_lol Now I understand why the old forum broke up. Some people react adversely to being accused of something merely for raising issues or asking simple question. That sort of thing comes across as marked paranoia on the part of the accusers.

I actually haven't received anything from you in quite a while, GERN or otherwise. It appears, however, that daring to ask questions about the entire GERN business ist streng verboten; obviously, the entire GERN thing is set in concrete and not amenable to either flexibility or rational discussion. Since we therefore have nothing to talk about relative to GERN, I won't seek any further information.

Sorry Jeff, but you'll need to point out where you feel I'm being touchy. I've always welcomed comments and questions regarding GERN, and everyone who gets the GERN promotional material is invited to do so, you included. I'm not sure when the last "new" GERN material was sent, but I make a point of sending it to everyone on the list. My brother is responsible for almost all of it, and makes it at his convenience. If you wish, I'll be happy to re-send all of the GERN material to ensure that you have it available, but please let me know whether or not you want it. You don't seem to be too amused by it, nor do you seem interested in GERN as a traffic generator, which is certainly your choice, but I am rather disappointed that you find it necessary to denigrate the concept as if it's somehow in conflict with your own fantasy concepts.
As for receiving "other stuff" from me, I treat e-mails between you and me as private - I discuss them with no one, and I will not post copies of that correspondence here, but you know as well as I that cordial messages have been exchanged.

There are several reasons why the old Forum went down the tubes - I wasn't aware that I'd personally caused that, but it may explain why I was the one who suggested that you be invited to participate here. You can ask any Moderator or Administrator if you doubt that.
As for people being paranoid, it appears neither you nor I can call that one. Suffice it to say, if you believe that someone's "out to get you", then they most definitely are. Wink

As for GERN being "set in concrete" you have a very selective memory which somehow omitted that I invite everyone, you included, who receives the GERN material to feel free to come up with their own GERN products, advertising, factory designs, etc., etc.

MountainMan Wrote:What is the whale oil - not "wahl oil" - for?

I wasn't being obtuse, but perhaps my sense of humour isn't to your tastes. You should re-read what I wrote before becoming offended, as I'm usually quite obvious when I wish to offend. Misngth

MountainMan Wrote:It could be for a number of things, some ordinary, some nefarious. During WWII the Nazis took over the entire whale oil stockpile and the whale oil industry from the Norwegians, for example, in order to extract the glycerin as a basic ingredient in explosives. OTH, it can be also utilized as a base in women's perfumes, or simply used as ordinary lamp oil. Given the mindset and propensities of Both Emmett Brown and Nikola Tesla, I doubt any of those mundane possibilities are foremost in their minds; in my most recent conversation with Dr. Brown we spoke at length about trinary reactive compounds and specific forms of energy release which might be used alternatively in certain industrial processes. Perhaps GERN has at some time considered doing something similar, but it doesn't matter since the Tesla-Brown formulas and processes have been finalized and are covered by myriad patents held by The Tesla-Brown Consortium itself.

The layout construction has begun. in the meantime, I guess you will just have to wait and see. I can't discuss it any further here - this is a "GERN" thread. Icon_lol

You're right: this is a GERN thread, but I welcome your input on both the topic and your alternatives. This isn't however, my thread. (I find it somewhat strange that your free-thinking mind sees GERN as a threat to your Tesla-Brown Consortium - they're both somewhat silly ideas, but you seem to find little joy in either. Very sad.)

Oh, and whale oil, as far as I'm aware, has little to do with women's perfume. The material used is ambergris, a product of the whale's digestive system.

Wayne 219

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