FORD Auto Module
Josh, that module looks AWESOME! Nice work! My one and only nit pick would be that your loading ramps need to be yellow. Most, if not all loading ramps at an auto plant or mixing center are some shade of that color. I would imagine it's for some sort of safety reason.

It's a real shame you don't see the 86' or the 60' boxcars these days as much. I don't know about Ford, but most of the GM plants don't have parts delivered by rail anymore.

I had two of those auto loading ramp kits awhile back and sold them....I could kick myself for doing that because you can't find them anywhere these days.

Oh, get those F-150's out of there.... Wayne Assembly only builds cars Goldth If you decide to add any locomotives to it, you might consider CSX units as they're the one who switches the auto loading ramps. Of course, Norfolk Southern also serves the plant on the other side too.

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