Recycling pill bottles
Aside from using old pill bottles for storing small items I found that they could also be used to make various types of tanks,so I put together a few projects.
First is a water tower.The tank itself was made from 2 large pill bottles that I cut to size and glued together.The rest of the tower was made from stuff that i has laying around.
The main upright supports are bamboo sticks,the support wires and railings are made from floral wire and the roof on the tank is from and old building.
[Image: watertower2.jpg]
Next are a couple of small tanks.One truck mounted and the other on supports.The truck mounted one was made by gluing two bottles together and when the glue
was dry I ran a piece of masking tape approx.12 scale inches wide down the center of the tank on both sides,cut on both sides of the tape and re-assembled the
tank yielding the squashed look.This tank is being used to haul water.
The other tank will be used to store fuel oil.
[Image: tanks.jpg]

I want to mention a few things-I found that while building the water tower that AC cement worked the best.These bottles are made from some weird plastic.Also I found that
by lightly sanding the bottle,the paint stuck better.Before cutting the bottles,I ran masking tape around the bottle,ran a sharp hobby saw around the bottle,following the tape and then
made the final cut.

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