Sorry I have been MIA over the past few weeks. Busy at work with various projects, headaches, and frustrations. Sometimes I just want to scream - generally brought about by ridiculous government regs and also by the lack of responsibility and intelligence of many within my sphere. Wallbang

But, I have been finding some time to relax in the railroad room and workshop. The SLC reefers have a base coat of paint. Also have been doing a major change in the layout shelving. I cut out about a four foot section of shelf with one of the bridges, and moved it to the opposite end of the room. Got all the rearranged track tied back in, magnets, turn-out controls, and track feeders all done. Reason for the re-arrangement was to make industrial area 3 more isolated from industrial area 2, trying to give the feel that they are further apart geographically. I think it turned out well, although I did have to shrink the radius of one of the 90 degree curves in a corner down to 23 inches. That's okay for second generation geeps and 50 foot cars, plus I'll hide it behind either buildings or trees.

Again, sorry for not keeping up with the goings-on at Big Blue, just that my limited leisure time has been spent in the railroad room instead of in front of the computer. Hope everyone is doing well, and I'll need to get caught back up with everyone's projects here as soon as work gets back to normal.

And thanks Charlie B, the email you sent was appreciated!

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