Painted myself into a corner?
Stryker ...

The structures shown in the mock-up photos will end up as kitbashing projects. The first one, the one the caboose is about to pass, was one of structures intended to be a part of my 2010 Summer Structure Challenge entry. Having been away from the hobby for twenty years, I had forgotten how much time is involved in kitbashing one building, much less a whole complex of structures. To think I could kitbash all of those structures between 01JUN10 and 07SEP10 was a foolish and totally delusional goal!

I ended up building just the one ... and I didn't even get that one done in the time frame!

And, Stryker! Welcome to the friendliest, most helpful model railroad forum on the internet!

Welcome Welcome Welcome

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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