Ballasting and painting track
rrinker Wrote:Yup, exactly as stated back then, my water here is hard and I never had any luck with the detergant method. 70% rubbing alcohol in large containers isn't terribly expensive, especially if you stick to store brands. To be honest the only thing I had EVER seen in any book or magazine was add a drop or two of dish soap to the water. I tried that first, back when I did a test section to see how all this would work out (mainly experimenting with using extruded foam as a base). Not a chance, no matter what I did it just sat on top of the ballast and made a crust. Not sure what made me try, but I tried mixing alcohol with the glue and - hey, it works! Now I see the alcohol mix mentioned EVERYWHERE.


Yup, the alcohol method works fine, too. Another alternative for those with hard water is to use distilled water, sold at most supermarkets in gallon jugs. I use it for decalling and for thinning water-based paints. I find the odour of alcohol irritating, much moreso than lacquer thinner or methyl hydrate (another type of alcohol), although the latter two are harmful in other ways.
Oddly enough, other alcohols, mainly the potable variety, seem to not offend my olfactory senses at all. Wink Misngth Misngth


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