If I can't read it, I won't!
eightyeightfan1 Wrote:You do make a good point.
But you have to remember also. This is an international forum. There are some folks here where English is taught as a second language. And if my high school Spanish classes are any indication, I really wasn't interested(Why do I have to learn Spanish...I'm never gonna need it). I didn't pay attentioned then, and I'm figuring those from another country are the same way. Learning to speak it is one thing, trying to type a language you have no understanding of is another.

For someone who's second language is English, it's excusable.
For anyone who should be well versed beyond Elementary school basics, it's sheer laziness.
I know I'm not the greatest speller in the world, which is why I spell check everything.
I still need to know that capital letters begin sentences and proper names. Periods end sentences.

Also- Get your tos and theirs straight. Those are my biggest grammar pet peeves.

To is going somewhere. I am going from here to there.
Too means also and is preceded by a comma. I want to go, too!
Two is a number. It looks like this- 2. The two of us are going to the mall.

They're is a contraction for "they are." They're going to the mall.
Their is possessive. We will take their car. That house is theirs.
There is a destination. We are going over there.

This is all stuff people should have learned by 3rd or 4th grade English, yet I see these six words continuously mixed up.

Oh... and hear, here, heard and herd.
4 more mixed up words that drive me nuts.

Hear is what you do with your ears. Do you hear what I hear?
Here is a place. We're here at last!
Heard is hear in past tense. I heard you already.
Herd is a bunch of cows. Let's round up the herd and drive 'em to the corral!
Baby likes to rock it like a boogie-woogie choo-choo train!

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