Handle on snowplow
I know that little grab is a pain to install, and there are four of them on every freight car and most locomotives. I was hoping Tom could find the regulation.
I had an FRA inspector that was a 30 year railroader (started out shoveling coal on an I1 in Oil City. He went to work for the Lehigh Valley after Korea and worked 45 days for Conrail before joining the FRA, and we were on his way home from work, so he was around every other week or so. He was a 7 state regional director and was in his late 70's when he retired.
He had forgotten more then the new guys will ever know. We spent hours talking air brakes and safety appliances and all the other rules. He was tough, but he was fair, and he was not out to cite you, but to keep you safe. Some of the new guys come right out of college, and they go by the book, not by experience. In time they will be great.

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