Help with a layout
Welcome to Big Blue..!! Always good to see new faces eager to "play" with trains... Cheers

There are several very good planners here (I'm not one of them... :oops: ) but you need to clarify a few things for the guys so they can lend a hand...

For starters, when you say 300 ft2 for the you mean you've got 300 ft2 of room size, or 300 ft2 of layout surface...Also, what do you hope to see??....Rolling plains? mountains with lots of tunnels? an urban layout? Lots of switching operations, or mostly main line running?..or what..?? Also, what DON't you want to have.
Will you operate on DC or DCC..??

I'm sure once you give them what you hope to have, there'll be a load of ideas coming forth.

Good luck, and keep us posted...!!
Gus (LC&P).

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