GP 15
Green_Elite_Cab Wrote:...Have you tried Smokey Valley? ....
No I did not try it. I did think about getting an undecorated Athearn with MP style shell and paint it in UP colors. I do not really trust my airbrush skill to end up with a model worth the cost. Same applies to a possible Smokey Valley kit.
I am going a two step approach
a. Put a P1K shell on an Athearn (Conrail) drive. Did that and it works as expected
b. Get an Athearn UP GP15 in May with the wrong filters and try to fix the filters. I have the parts already at home and have to do some paint patch job.
That approach will end up in any case with two GP15 to be used on a future north east layout.

The Athearn shell and drive is in all aspects superior to the P1K. However the P1K has a very good price performance ratio. The P1K drive will be fine with you if you like most of the RTR drives and did never fall in deep love with Atlas drives. The P1K shell will be sufficient if you like Trainman shells without grab irons etc.

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