Planning a switching layout (Max size 12x2 feet)
Hi and thank you for the welcome! As for my name, I guess it would be like "Yng-weh" (click play to listen <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)

Puddlejumper: I will definately check out the link you posted tomorrow. I would do it now if it wasnt approaching midning here in Norway... Wink

Stein: That is an awesome layout! I never though about combining a containerterminal with autotransport cars. I will have a good look at it tomorrow. Btw, what size are the turnouts?? I was planning to use Peco code 75 for this layout so I was wondering which turnouts matches the one you have used.

As for modelling after a prototype in Trondheim.... we'll see in a week after Brann - Rosenborg is over! Wink

Check out my trainvideos from Scandinavia!
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