Car advice re 2003 Subaru?
Squidbait Wrote:It may be that the higher price for the first clutch job included facing the flywheel. If the flywheel was scored or damaged, just putting a new clutch in is a recipe for a short-lived clutch.

As for keeping/swapping... you've had the car since new? So 8 years... do you still enjoy driving it?

Figure on $400/month for a new replacement (even with 0% financing over a long term), and work out what your repair costs are going to be amortized over the next 5 years. Add whatever the potential frustrations of having to repair an aging car will cost you in stress, and go with what makes you more comfortable.

In an older car, things like exhaust, brakes and tires are just normal wear items. The clutch is a normal wear item, but it sounds like you've got abnormally high wear.

If you're fed up with repairs, then move the car, and get something new. The question is can you replace it with new (and 3-5 years of warranty coverage), or are you going to have to buy used? Sometimes its better to eat the repair costs and stick with the devil you know.

Thanks! One option we're seriously considering is buying a slightly used car -- one that is only 2-3 years old with less than 50,000km on it. That could be the best compromise. With our current Subaru, there is not only this steering problem but I also suspect the muffler is going (even though that's normal wear & tear, it's still another expense). When you buy a slightly used car, someone else has already taken the hit of devaluation! Cheers, Rob
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