Car advice re 2003 Subaru?
Squidbait Wrote:
RobertInOntario Wrote:Thanks! One option we're seriously considering is buying a slightly used car -- one that is only 2-3 years old with less than 50,000km on it. That could be the best compromise. With our current Subaru, there is not only this steering problem but I also suspect the muffler is going (even though that's normal wear & tear, it's still another expense). When you buy a slightly used car, someone else has already taken the hit of devaluation! Cheers, Rob

Well, if you're thinking 3-years old, unless you're paying cash, you may as well look at new with 0 or low % financing. The financing rates available for used cars are much higher than new, and raise your monthly cost to the same as financing a new car.

You'll need to do some homework Wink

Thanks -- that's exactly what a friend of mine is planning to do! It looks like it's worth considering then. If we do this, we'll do the same thing -- buy new and then drive it into the ground. Cheers, Rob
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