My Hometown---Part 2
Gary S Wrote:Ah, the childhood memories! A boy and a bike... plenty of adventures there. And you had steam engines thrown in.... what a combination!

I think that's Mr Nutbar there in the picture on the cover of Ian Wilson's excellent book Steam at Allandale. Wink Big Grin


I can remember doing the same thing when I lived next to the CPR tracks in Orangeville (although this was the 80s at this point). I crossed the yard on Townline Road up to 4 times a day going to school and back. I remember seeing all the old buildings although I don't recall the roundhouse - it may have gone by then. The snowplow and other MOW equipment used to sit in a siding all summer. I never worked up the courage to climb any of it, and only walked the tracks once...! Of course, none of this was recorded, and now everything is gone. The station is the only surviving building, and it was moved downtown to become a restaurant.


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