Backdrop at Mason Park Bridge
Gus, thank you for the suggestions and questions. This is exactly what I need - other eyes besides mine to point out things I may overlook. Thumbsup

On the white line, here is a photo of the real thing.


Now, in my zeal, I may have made it too white. And actually, perhaps it doesn't need to be there at all. It is not so much important that I follow the real thing exactly, what is more important is that visitors feel that what is there looks plausible. Maybe I should go over the line with a dark wash or some brownish paint?

Edit: Gus, as I was thinking about this, I needed to make sure we are talking about the same thing. In the photo below, the red arrow points to a thin whitish line that is similar to the real thing. This is like a little sand bank with a lot of light reflecting from it. On the other hand, the black arrow points to what is supposed to be reflected light from the distant water. Which one were you referring to?


On the foreground/background junction, the 3D grass was just an experiment from awhile back after I had finished the bridge and wanted to try out the homemade static grass appliicator. I'll be adding more static grass to what is there, and perhaps even put some paint down, and hopefully I can match the colors better. There will also be some trees higher up to camoflage the junction. Thank you for pointing it out, as now it is filed away in my brain and I will pay close attention to that when I do the 3D scenery.

Gus, thanks again for pointing these things out, as it really helps! Smile

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