If I can't read it, I won't!
The spell checker in Firefox doesn't always know the word you're trying to spell, but at least it tells you when it doesn't think it's spelled correctly. I've also downloaded "WebWord", what that does is when you select a word (highlight it) anywhere in anything you are reading or writing, then hit the WebWord icon on your taskbar, it will come up with the definition of that word and/or some alternate spelling if it isn't spelled right. As for grammar checking, I still rely a lot on MS Word for that. I use it when I compose my articles, and my wife just finished her book, and it was a big help in finding typos, misspelled and misused words as well as bad sentence structure. I would not use that for posting on forums, let's face it, some of the things that are not acceptable in published works, can be overlooked when talking on forums and in chat rooms. I am glad though that I'm too old to be in any group that uses text messages to communicate. To be sure, if I see I have a text message on my cell phone, I know it's someone trying to sell me something, and I delete it without reading it first. I don't think my carrier charges me if I don't download the message and that's a good thing.
Don (ezdays) Day
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