Northwest 22nd St, Miami

Hi Jon, Dont worry about taking up my time I'm just off nights .........


Nights, hey? You have my deepest sympathies Dave :cry:

Very well put, Dave, thank you - you've sold them to me Thumbsup

Incidentally, I've been reading on another member's page that there's some debate about ill planning leading to frustration and ultimately wasted time and funds. Quite right too.
However, as probably the biggest offender in my short time here, I must say that for me it's all part of the learning curve e.g. I've already discovered that whilst they've given sterling service to many fellow modellers over the years, unfortunately, Kadees and Peco products simply aren't for me for reasons given - something I wouldn't have known if I hadn't dipped my toe in the water by getting stuck in Nope
Incidentally, at the risk of going off at a tangent, may I say that I wrote to Peco regarding my recent disappointment with Code 75, who confirmed that while there are many satisfied railroaders that have used their products for many years and continue to do so, they agree that a better option would be the NMRA standards Code 83 range. However, on a cautionary note, they admitted that they couldn't guarantee that wheel drop would be totally eliminated with some of the finer RP25s. My heart sank at this point and any immediate thoughts of placing an order were put on hold. Nevertheless, I thank them for their honesty and deep down I believe that Code 83 is a viable option. However, in light of the number of disappointments experienced to date, I'm simply not prepared to jump headlong into plumping for a hundred quid's worth of gear, without exploring other avenues first (more of which hopefully later). While one should never say never, I doubt I'll go with Peco - I say this not because of possible inconsistencies their track might have with the wheels of my stock, but quite simply because I feel the need to use a finer rail which is more conducive to industrial track. I know it's a case of priorities and smooth running is my main objective, however, quite frankly I'd be disappointed to lose that lighter rail look that I'm searching for.
So, as you can see Dave, I am learning as I go along, but as in life, unfortunately I always have to learn the hard way :cry:

Let's hope this drivel gets you off to sleep 357



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