Newbie - District 22 - Downtown L.A. (A table top railway)
dave_long Wrote:Jonte
......... the shinoharas need a lot of work, I've managed to get them done today but not without issues....................

That's me out of the running then for Shinoharas, Dave; if your having difficulties...................

Thanks for the kind words of encouragement; I'm rather pleased with it too, but I shaln't cast a clout until proper testing is completed.

I hope it does work, after all this, as apart from the odd expletive and loss of hair, it'll be an achievement and give me a little more confidence. I'm also excited at the prospect of being able to slice bits out of the wooden sleepers to give them that careworn effect typical of industrial lines in the States.

Should this all go haywire like my last attempt, I think I'll take your advice and hang on for the ME track (unless of course I become impatient and opt for the Code 83 - Jez has a chieved faultless running with Harrington, although he's rather selective about his choice of stock).

Before I go, you rather hit the nail on the head when you made mention in your post about not wanting too many (turnouts). Frankly, although I'm pleased with my results so far, I can't see myself building any more than 3 currently, so, in light of this, I have decided to build a diorama style layout with its proscribed limited proportions - it'll also serve as a test bed for scenic developments before I take on something a little larger.

Therefore, if you could spare me a little time from your rather hectic schedule, would you mind jotting down a few ideas in the form of a trackplan - back of envelope will do fine ! Thumbsup I'm still basing it in LA and I'm going to keep the title of 'District 22' but I'm looking at something not too demanding Nope

Perhaps something like this might give you a helping hand......

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="!/photo.php?fbid=146523312038152&set=a.146523108704839.22038.133337953356688&pid=339627&id=133337953356688"> ... 7953356688</a><!-- m -->

I rather like the half buried ties and simple track arrangement of this industrial backwater. The pile of sand(?) to the left of the picture is reminiscent of the one built by Chris Nevard in the extension to his masterpiece 'Cement Quay' - base from foam tiles, covered in tile adhesive and sprinkled with sand. I've also been considering using Das clay to place in between and over the top of the ties, with a mixture of earth, ash and talc/grout mixed together and sprinkled around for ground cover. I also like the thought of electrostatic grass planted in hanging basket liner for weedy stuff - and as for that rickety old fence and simple telegraph poles Confusedhock: .
You get the idea, an uncrowded scene with a couple of corrugated buildings and one or two brick/concrete affairs to give a reason for the existence of the railway in the first place (NB I've already constructed a small traverser/fiddleyard for the layout).

Of course, Dave, all in your own time.

Has anybody else any thoughts on the subject?

As usual, all suggestions gratefully received.



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