Walther's New Steel Industry ~~ **Future Plans**
Trucklover Wrote:What do you guys think? With a show of hands how many think i am CRAZY and out of my mind?

Josh, of course you're crazy: you're a model railroader! Misngth Misngth

In your steel plant scenario, you've left out one important detail: The blast furnace produces iron, not steel. There are many processes for making steel from iron, but the most common is in BOFs (Basic Oxygen Furnaces), or in open hearth furnaces. While these will both use up more space than your blast furnace, the good news (at least as far as expense goes) is that both of these facilties are more or less enclosed in large structures, and, if you model the proper side of the building, a few doors for trucks and trains will take care of the major details.

There's no reason why you can't dream of someday building such a layout, and, as long as you can dream it, there's always the possibility that you will succeed. If you cease to dream it, you have no chance of success.


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