Pearl Harbor Remembered
P5se Camelback Wrote:I will chose to laugh that off as sarcasm, Stein!

I never cease to be amazed at the inability of so many younger Americans to think in complete sentences, use proper grammar, spell correctly and conduct themselves in a business-like manner when they interview for a job!

They don't even know how to make change behind a cash register if the damn terminal doesn't tell them how!

And they wonder why no one will hire them.

But English and math and history and science were all bull***t they "didn't need to know to get along in the world."

You can call me prejudiced if you wish ... no skin off my nose ... I earned good grades, went to college, earned a degree, worked hard, excelled, designed a lot of product to make life better and easier for a lot of people. I designed devices to assist in keeping those in the operation rooms of hospitals alive, I made a decent living, raised a family ... made a life I can now look back on with some satisfaction of knowing that over my career, I made a productive contribution to society.

I don't hold much hope for some of these fools coming along behind us! I have had contact with a couple who sincerely believe that, since they get money back at tax time, they haven't paid any tax! They're morons! They can't spell. They can't speak without using the "F"-word and gutter slang. And they wonder why they can't find a job that will pay them $100K a year so they can buy a Hummer with 20" rims!

They all have the same opportunity to go to school and learn ... they just choose not to take advantage of the opportunity that is handed to them, because they are "too smart for that waste of time."

I'm not prejudiced, just a realist. And as a veteran, I'm saddened by what is happening to the country for which I risked my life!!

Not prejudiced, "street Smart", yes.... I see the exact same thing every week.... It's both horrible and studious to watch too. Some, white, black, tan, green, pink, whatever race or creed, (no fences here, save maybe age) that sincerely "Don't get it".... Shame too. They grew up in an area where the Gov'mint did everything for their parents so, of course, they are "entitled" to the same thing.

Some actually have babies, knowing the more - the more money, not necessarily "the merrier"......

Some excel in school, but a lot of them are considered outcasts, Brainiacs, Butt kissers etc... But when the diplomas are handed out, guess who's working and who's on the Government ticket?? Sad Sad Sad

........... and yes, this was the same scenario (but worse now) 30+ years ago when I went to school....
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???

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