Pearl Harbor Remembered
My apologies to Ralph, who is correct to an extent.

steinjr Wrote:But you are just plain crazy if you actually think that America is in any real danger of falling to the tyranny of "marxism or communism", in any normal meaning of those words.

the Wikpedia definition of Marxism is:

an economic and socio-political worldview that centers around a political ideology which seeks to improve society by implementing socialism with the final goal of communism. Originally developed in the early to mid 19th century by two Germans, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Marxism is based upon a materialist interpretation of history. Taking the idea that social change occurs because of the struggle between different classes within society who are under contradiction one against the other, the Marxist analysis leads to the conclusion that capitalism, the currently dominant form of economic management, leads to the oppression of the proletariat, who not only make up the majority of the world's populace but who also spend their lives working for the benefit of the bourgeoisie, or the wealthy ruling class in society.

To correct this inequality between the bourgeoisie, who are the wealthy minority, and the proletariat, who are the poorer majority, Marxism advocates, and believes in the historical inevitability of, a proletarian revolution, when the proletariat take control of government, and then implement reforms to benefit their class, namely the confiscation of private property which is then taken under state control and run for the benefit of the people rather than for the interests of private profit. Such a system is known as socialism, although Marxists believe that eventually a socialist society would develop into an entirely classless system, which is known as communism in Marxist thought.

and that is dangerously close to the ideology that some of our politicians hold as evidenced by their actions. America has already been ravaged by the tyranny of socialism - and there seems to be no end of that, so perhaps in your statement above, substitue "aware" for "crazy".

The forum may be heading down a dangerous path here, even though the Lower Berth says "discuss anything...". I hope none of this leaves hard feelings amongst the wonderful folks of Big Blue.

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