If I can't read it, I won't!
I don't mean to start flaming, but much of this badmouhing the typers (typists) is too ALL encompassing. Many of you remember the time a member was flamed, bad, so said he was leaving. I won't mention the name, but I will guarrantee you one thing, bad as I hurt, I wouldn't dream of swapping places with him. With miserable troubles, he now models in N with his son. I have troubles following his train of thought at times, but I marvel at his tenacity.

I know too many others that have had strokes and many other maladies. With one hand useless and the other not working very good, it would appear using capitals, or upper case, for some words would be extremely difficult. So I say, If you have trouble reading something, skip over it. And hope that the troubles some have, never fall on you.

Oh, yes, I never learned typing, and writing this much is quite a task for me. I just think it is worth it to jump in when I believe one is being unjustly whipped for something they have no control over. :hey: :hey:

Lynn Curse Curse
Whitehouse, Tx

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