Southern GP30 High Hood Build Progress Pics
Tom, Kevin, Gus and Nutbar, I appreciate the comments...thank you. Cheers

You're so right about the size of the parts...they're tiny alright. The smaller decals, and that %^%#@(*% gold stripe, were a challenge to affix. I've put decals on Nscale engines before, but that was mostly UP/SP and NS/CR "patch" jobs, not a wholesale engine redo like this proved to be. Even that first GP30 high hood build had NS decals which were decidedly easier to affix.

The model clearly needs a coat or two of fine dull coat spray...and once the rest of the decals are placed, I'll get that put on. With each pictures I see about three different things that need a bit of touch-up or work. (I need to stop taking close-up shots!) Icon_lol

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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