If I can't read it, I won't!
Just so you have my thoughts on what I see here. I don't think anyone here is taking fault with those that cannot for one reason or another, compose or type a post properly or has difficulty getting their thoughts out in the open. I don't think anyone is taking aim at the occasional use of acronyms, abbreviations or even some rather sever, if not funny (hey Mikey) typos. I think what some are simply asking, is that for those that are capable of doing things in an understandable manner, as a means of getting their questions, points or answers understood, that they take the time it requires to post with some degree of clarity. If you can't, for whatever reason, don't think for a minute that you shouldn't post. We welcome everyone and will do our best to make sense of what you're trying to say.

It was not that long ago when we had one member whose posts were difficult at best to read, he was antagonistic and basically asked to be banned. The members and staff stuck with him and found his main problem was that his meds were affecting his mind and his body. After a while, his medications were adjusted and he settled down. He was still hard to understand at times, but we accepted him that way. Well, we lost him about a year ago, and there wasn't one person on the forum that didn't miss him.

So you all need to remember, you don't know what's behind everyone that posts here and on other forums, so we look forward to working with the bad spellers, those with limited vocabularies and those with four thumbs on each hand. Now, those that think this is an open invitation to get lazy or to start using text message jargon in your posts, forget it friend, it just won't fly. Nope Nope
Don (ezdays) Day
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