The House for San Bernardino
Continuing … here I’ve once again used bad judgment in placing the material on the drill press table … and I drilled “outside the lines!” This time a bit more severely.

The process was again basically the same as before, just a few more steps … a few more pieces of styrene strip in 0.010” and 0.020” thickness “welded” in to build the area up so it can be filed back down to “just right.”



Several of the windows supplied were the “Standard window with Trim.” They work just fine for wood buildings, but brick and/or masonry structures generally do not have trim around the windows as they sit in a hard masonry opening. (I did a quick survey of the homes on my street … all concrete block with stucco and no windows or doors have trim. The exception was that several homes did have trim around the front door, mine included.)

Therefore, I decided that I would follow convention and since this is a masonry-construction building, the only opening to have trim will be the front door. So the trim had to go on those windows and doors that had it … and every opening would have to be a slip-fit with its corresponding window or door.

So starting with the kitchen window …


The trim was removed and the opening was tweaked just a bit and we have a slip fit masonry style window for the kitchen. I’m sure Mrs. LPB will appreciate a nice window over the sink …


The next thing that bothered me was the fact that the windows that were supplied had a definite “industrial” feel to them …


… so I took it upon myself to “residentialize” them …


O.K. … That’s it for now. I have eight more windows to “residentialize” and a door to lose the trim off of. Then a couple more window openings to “tighten up,” and then will come the fun of assembly. I’m still pondering how I want to represent stucco … well, I can’t just leave the walls plain flat painted styrene, can I!!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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