The House for San Bernardino
Getting the window openings “perfect” was a test of my endurance and dedication ... I was not about to let the situation get the best of me! But now working with the actual molded windows is now testing my patience! Wallbang

The little muntins are so thin, so fragile! I’ve finally broken one in such a way as to be pretty much un-repairable ... a new muntin will have to be fabricated or I will have to order more molded windows. Trimming the unnecessary ones off absolutely cleanly is of the utmost importance, I've discovered. I broke the little, very thin horizontal muntin between two horizontal panes while converting one of those multi-paned "factory style" windows into a four-pane jalousie (louver) or "awning window," as they are often called here in Florida. The "look" was appropriate, but those little muntins are only about 0.020" square and VERY fragile! Confusedhock:


Although I will probably split an 0.020” x 0.040” piece of styrene strip to effect the repair … I’m just not up for it tonight. It’s not been a good breathing day and I’m rather tired. I was chasing the numbers on my tax return crap all day and ended up with an embarrassingly low AGI, but that was good as my tax liability was miniscule (none) … the pressure is off, but I’m tired … too tired to deal with cutting things measured in thousandths and trying to be exact about it.

The walls have all been completed to my satisfaction …


I can probably also begin “welding” them together tomorrow while waiting for the window repair to cure. I’ll also have to ponder a more precise way of cutting the un-needed muntins out without leaving any remnants to be filed smooth! I’m not worried … this little detail stuff has never beaten me in the past and I’m in no mood to let it start now!

So much for Installment Three … G’night all! Wink

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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