April Layout Party

Well, here's what I've been up to. Yep, that's me sitting there on that crate, 'resting my eyes'. Ha - I wish.

Inlaws visited and Easter is coming so family and work took priority for a while. Also my wife hosted a '31' party for selling designer bags so it was all hands on deck for cleaning the house. Eh - it was time for a good spring cleaning anyway.

Took this picture back in February so the video I posted in the BB&G HO box car thread is more current but really the layout hasn't changed since then. I still need to get the backdrop installed, lights figured out and installed, and the second layout section completed (where the arch bridge is going to reside) before I can proceed with any more trackwork or scenery or wiring.

Oh, and decals arrived...but that's another thread for another time...

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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