Freelance 2011
Dave, I did continue to use my older switch machines. The new Tortoise will be used when I replace all machines. I do not like to mix them. The very new one you mention look good.

MrBill, Gary, thanks for the friendly words.

Jonte, the 3-way works fine at initial testing (5 minutes) with an Athern SW1500. We will see how the story proceeds...

I am glad I changed my mind and do the redesign in increments. Only one day was enough to get the basic track work done. It would be somewhat better if it had been done from scratch but the saved effort and time of not so much preferred work is a big bonus to me.
I will stop the work now and do testing for some time until I proceed. I want to know if my idea of a small yard (like LAJ A yard) to feed industry on a small ISL works over some time.

I will draw a (simplified) track layout in the near future as I need to discuss two alternatives here.

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