Walther's New Steel Industry ~~ **Future Plans**
Trucklover Wrote:In the meantime, Wayne would that work, just modeling one large BOF? I dont think i would have the room for much more, let alone all the other buildings i want to have on this steel mill layout lol. Maybe i could model the other huge buildings such as the Open Hearth Furnace and the Electric Furnace as backround buildings as a backdrop, they would be quite tall and act like a great backdrop i think. Hmmmmm maybe the BOF would make a great backdrop as well, this would save me a lot of space lol. **Ideas flowing through my head** Misngth

Josh, whatever works for you is what will work for the scene. I don't have the room, even if I used my entire layout room, to do a to-scale rendition of a steel plant. Almost 40 years ago, I was scratchbuilding a model of a very large blast furnace. Had I been able to afford to finish it, it would have occupied almost half of the Chippawa Creek aisle on my layout. You have to pick the aspects that are most interesting to you, then use some of the other interesting elements to create the backdrop and surrounding scene. Tracks disappearing behind or into various buildings are your connections to the unmodelled sections of the plant. The layout of the plant doesn't have to be totally logical, as it would in real life, although many real plants are laid out in what appears to be a haphazard and inefficient manner simply because they grew that way over the years.


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