Northwest 22nd St, Miami
I dont tend to have too broad an opinion on locos, I get what I like the look of. I do tend to google review though and see what the opinion of others is. The GP38-2 in the photos is a proto 2000 there is lots on this loco its out on the accuracy of the body, but the motor is great but there is an issue with the DCC wiring as regards the lights. The switcher is a athearn genesis MP15AC (loads on uk ebay) again some people I know have had major issues with its running qualities but I've had no such issues. swings and roundabouts. Plus the other thing is in my UK P4 modelling I'm a rivet counter so its a little bit of a release for me doing this.

Lance's empllys several techniques on his layouts, so you'll have a choice. If you like to read try Pelle soeberg books, UK amazon.

Just an addendum to the track paint I did use a 1" brush to slop it on fairly liberally.
I used white spirits but it needed a lot of mixing, I suspect meths would have been a better option due to it being mineralised I was just being a cheapskate. There are now modelling substitutes you can get which don't have the odour.

My Miami NW 22nd St layout and modelling blog Please come by and leave a comment.

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