Some weathered freight cars for Sweethome Alabama
The next couple of cars to get the treatment were an E&C Shops excess-height A406 double-door boxcar for MDW and a 50ft NS (SOU) boxcar - I think this is a Roundhouse model, but it was heavily detailled by the late Dave Scott, and I am unsure of it's history - I have so far found no photo to match it.

The MDW car came in a shade of green that closely resembled BN cascade green, so had to be substantially lightened to match photos of the prototype before I could start the weathering.

[Image: IMG_9086.JPG]

[Image: IMG_9089.JPG]

[Image: IMG_9096.JPG]

[Image: IMG_9099.JPG]

[Image: IMG_9098.JPG]

Finally a couple of 'group shots'

[Image: IMG_9110.JPG]

[Image: IMG_9109.JPG]

Happy Easter,

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