Pearl Harbor Remembered
P5se Camelback Wrote:Ah ... sort of akin to Veteran's Day here ...

... that many now just treat as a day off from work and have no clue
(nor do they seem to care about) why they have the day off!

Very similar to Veteran's Day. ANZAC Day is a National Day of Remembrance and Public Holiday.

ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps from WW1 and the landings on the Gallipoli Peninsula, Turkey on 25th April, 1915.

ANZAC Day now covers all Australian service personnel from WW1, WW2, Occupation of Japan, Korea, Vietnam, East Timor, Iraq, Afghanistan as well as Peace Keeping/ UN duties in Namibia, Cambodia and elsewhere.

We may be a small nation numerically but we always fight above our weight to defend our mates and to defend freedom.

Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More

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