Pearl Harbor Remembered
MadModeler Wrote:As mentioned in this thread, there are a lot of kids who don't know the full history of the wars. Me, I have had the fortune to have met and spoken with veterans of World War II, Korea and Vietnam and have heard stories from the people who were there. It has left me with a higher respect for these people. Also, my father was born in Europe just before the second world war and his oldest brother would be 9 years old at the time. Hearing from my uncle about what they went through has been very educational to say the least. No wonder my Dad would tell me I am very lucky to have been born in Canada.

I was with my wife watching "Passchendaele" at a theatre and heard some young kid comment, "Look at them kick those Nazi asses". I commented back, "Wrong war." Pretty sad that our schools are neglecting history or just teaching the bits that are 'politically correct'.

Also many may not know that a German had to join the Nazi party or face treason charges which would land them in a concentration camp and later death and unknown tens of thousands Germans made that one way trip..

A sad thing is neighbors,family and friends would report none compliance to the Gestapo or the SA..Everybody was paranoid and feared each other.

I didn't learn that in school..I learned that while station in Germany and talking older Germans..

Summerset Ry

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