CPR Engine House
A little more progress over the last couple of nights.

I finished all the framing on the interior walls...although I am contemplating putting a row of blocking in between the studs at about the half way mark. The 2 x 6 wall studs are 16 scale feet high and typically I've seen blocking nailed perpendicular to studs in wood framed construction on walls a less taller. So I may add the blocking tomorrow night.

I did a test fit on the foundation or base. I'm feeling pretty good about this so far and now its actually starting to look like something!



You'll have to excuse the hands. Until I do the final assembly the walls don't quite stay together. I've decided on one more detail to correct at this point as I'll remove the track inside the engine house in order to eliminate the individual ties. It seemed like a good idea at the time, however I've come up with a better idea which will make life easier for me.

That's all for tonight. Thanks for looking.

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